Les Cahiers de la recherche architecturale urbaine et paysagère

  • #publication
  • #Reparation Through Reterritorialization
  • #Landscape
  • #Heritage
  • #Environment
  • #Architecture
  • #Artistic
  • #territorialism
  • #Florence University
  • #ENSAL

Repairing post-mining territories through territorial, landscape, architectural and artistic approaches by Sandra Fiori, Béatrice Mariolle et Daniela Poli

Rooted in an ecologically destructive sectoral economy, post-mining territories bear the scars of unsustainable development, the effects of which have yet to be dealt with. As territories that are often heritagized and that have been both visibly and invisibly weakened, they offer contemporary settings where experimentation for the transition to a post-carbon society is particularly relevant. These metonymic symbols of a world in need of repair thus necessitate the analyses and contributions from following disciplines and research areas : landscape design, architecture and urban planning. How do we repair monofunctional territories ? In what ways do the tools of designers, architects, urban planners, landscape architects or artists contribute to this reparation ?

Référence électronique

Sandra Fiori, Béatrice Mariolle et Daniela Poli, « Repairing post-mining territories through territorial,

landscape, architectural and artistic approaches », Les Cahiers de la recherche architecturale urbaine et

paysagère [En ligne], 7 | 2020, mis en ligne le 30 juin 2020, consulté le 05 juillet 2020. URL : http://

journals.openedition.org/craup/4261 ;

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