
Board of Directors

The Association is managed by a Board of Directors, actually made up of nine members. They are elected for three years, from among the active and founding members, by the General Meeting, by an absolute majority of the members present or represented. The Board develops policies and is given the widest powers possible to authorise, within the limit of the Association's scope, all acts that are not reserved for the General Meeting.

The current Board of Directors has been elected on October 24, 2022.

The Board of Directors is composed as follows:
- MARIOLLE Béatrice, architect, professors, researcher
- ALESSANDRI Raphaël, architect, urban planner
- RADTKE Rebekah, associate professor
- LAFFONT Georges-Henry, profession: Lecturer, researcher
- FESSARD Martin, architect, carpenter, PhD student
- PAGNIER Mélusine, architect, PhD student in architecture
- FIGUEROA Johans, architect, urban planner
- OLDHAM Ruth, architect, teacher, translator;
- SUCALA Cristina-Lucia, architect


The President, Secretary General and Treasurer form the Bureau, charged with the daily general management of the Network. The Bureau implements the decisions made at General Meetings and by the Board of Directors. The Bureau is elected for an average duration of one year.
The Bureau is composed as follows:
President of the Association: MARIOLLE Béatrice
Secretary General of the Association: LAFFONT Georges-Henry and ALESSANDRI Raphael
Treasurer: OLDHAM Ruth

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2022 - 2023

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