COST Action (E-MiNet)

  • #european project
  • #cost action

European Network of Post-Mining Territories

The aim of E-MINet proposal is to establish and implement a European Network of Post-mining territories aimed at advancement of sustainable development of post-mining, transition and mining regions across Europe and the world. The main concern is to lever the possibilities of development through co-development and co-design approach by means of local collaborative initiatives in such areas as architecture, landscape, design, ecology, heritage, culture and social sciences. The main idea is to experiment on-site with local stakeholders the possible solutions to “acclimatize” these territories to challenges of 21st century such as climate change, energy insecurity and to conform them to global ambition of low-carbon economy and Just Transition.
The project was submitted in October 2022. The result is expected by March 2023.

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